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Maurizio Vatta

 university studies: Marine Biology

 Sports qualifications: Tennis instructor (first level) National Fencing Instructor (qualification necessary to manage a gym)

 Fencing career: I started practicing fencing in 1996, a student of Master Gnisci Pietro (former technical director of the Italian national team).

In 1999 I obtained the title of instructor for schools

In 2000 first level exam, I work as a children’s instructor and athletic trainer in Milan.

Since 2004 in Pavia (University Sports Center)

In 2007 national instructor exam.

From 2007 to 2012 teacher in Casale Monferrato (Piemonte region) since 2014 I have taught in Sardinia, Bologna, Ivrea, Lecco, Verona, 2 years in lund (Lugi)

Now to the new club: Sport Fencing Club lund.

In my career I have followed several good athletes, including in the World Cup. One athlete in particular was world number one in the pentathlon (in which fencing is fundamental in the total score)

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